
Recommended Service Provider

Is your heating or cooling system in need of service? Partnering with Morris E. Wisser Coal & Fuel Oil, Inc., we provide complete fuel delivery, HVAC, and plumbing services to homes within our service area.

Wisser Coal and Fuel

For service contact Morris E. Wisser directly at

Morris E. Wisser is a proud member of the Better Home Heat Council of the Lehigh Valley.

Our Services

  • Reliable and affordable home heating oil delivery
  • Oil heating system sales, services, and installations
  • Air conditioning system sales, services, and installations
  • Small plumbing repairs
  • Electric hot water heater repairs and replacements
  • Water softener repairs and replacements (on selected brands)
  • Coal stove cleaning, repairs, replacements, and installations
  • Humidifier and electronic air cleaner services and installations